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Configuring your Settings

Web3 settings allow you to define the token contract address, token logo, token sale price, and token gating settings. Let's take a closer look at each setting and its purpose.

Configuring your Web3 Settings​

Web3 Configuration Screenshot

Token Contract Address​

The token contract address setting specifies the Ethereum address of the smart contract that manages your website's ERC-20 token. This is required for your website to interact with the blockchain and enable the purchase and transfer of your token.

The token logo setting allows you to upload an image file (.png or .jpg) that will represent your token. This logo will be displayed in various places throughout your website, such as the token sale page and user wallets.

Token Sale Price​

The token sale price setting specifies the sale price of your token in wei, the smallest denomination of Ether. This setting determines the conversion rate between your token and Ether, allowing users to purchase your token with Ether.

Token Gating​

The token gating section allows you to control access to certain areas of your website based on the user's token balance.

Display Walled Content​

The display walled content setting specifies the minimum amount of tokens required for a user to access walled content on your website. This setting allows you to restrict access to premium content or features to users who hold a certain amount of your token.

Participate in Comment​

The participate in comment setting specifies the minimum amount of tokens required for a user to participate in comments on your website. This setting helps to prevent spam or low-quality comments by requiring users to hold a certain amount of your token before they can participate.