Images can help make your content more visually appealing and break up the text. With our integration with Uploadcare, uploading and modifying images is made easy.
Image: Upload and modify your image.
Image Description: Describe the image for visually impaired individuals, such as "a horse eating a carrot".
Image Size: Choose your desired image size, such as Mini-Fluid.
Alignment: Choose from left, centered, right, or justified alignments.
Style: Add a bordered, circular, or rounded style to your image.
Filter: Choose from a range of image filters, such as blur, brightness, contrast, grayscale, hue-rotate, invert, opacity, saturate, and sepia.
Animation: Add an animation to your image, such as blink, flip, pulse, or shake.
Transition: Add an interactive on-scroll transition effect to your image, such as Perspective, Rotate, Scale-Bounce, Scale, Translate horizontally, or Translate vertically.
CSS Snippet: Fully customize your image with a CSS Snippet from your library.