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Images can help make your content more visually appealing and break up the text. With our integration with Uploadcare, uploading and modifying images is made easy.


Regular Image Desktop Screenshot


Regular Image Mobile Screenshot


  1. Image: Upload and modify your image.

  2. Image Description: Describe the image for visually impaired individuals, such as "a horse eating a carrot".

  3. Image Size: Choose your desired image size, such as Mini-Fluid.

  4. Alignment: Choose from left, centered, right, or justified alignments.

  5. Style: Add a bordered, circular, or rounded style to your image.

  6. Filter: Choose from a range of image filters, such as blur, brightness, contrast, grayscale, hue-rotate, invert, opacity, saturate, and sepia.

  7. Animation: Add an animation to your image, such as blink, flip, pulse, or shake.

  8. Transition: Add an interactive on-scroll transition effect to your image, such as Perspective, Rotate, Scale-Bounce, Scale, Translate horizontally, or Translate vertically.

  9. CSS Snippet: Fully customize your image with a CSS Snippet from your library.