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User Profile and Author Profile Widget

Empower users to personalize their profile pages and author profile widgets with a range of customization options. This comprehensive guide outlines the available settings to enhance the appearance and style of user profiles and author profiles.

User Profile Page​

Tailor the user profile page to individual preferences with the following customization settings:

  • Edit Profile Button Color: Modify the color of the "Edit Profile" button on the user profile page.
  • Edit Profile Button Text Color: Adjust the text color of the "Edit Profile" button on the user profile page.
  • Edit Profile Button Hover Color: Set the color of the "Edit Profile" button when the mouse cursor hovers over it.
  • Edit Profile Button Hover Text Color: Define the text color of the "Edit Profile" button during mouse hover.
  • Edit Profile Button Transition Time: Control the duration of the transition animation when the "Edit Profile" button changes color upon hover.
  • Edit Profile Button Transition Timing: Customize the timing function used for the transition animation of the "Edit Profile" button.
  • Profile Card Background Color: Personalize the background color of the profile card displayed on the user profile page.
  • Profile Card Border Width: Adjust the width of the border surrounding the profile card. Use whole numbers for better browser compatibility.
  • Profile Card Border Color: Change the color of the border surrounding the profile card.
  • Profile Card Header Color: Modify the color of the header text displayed on the profile card.
  • Profile Card Description Color: Adjust the color of the description text displayed on the profile card.
  • Profile Card Metadata Color: Customize the color of the metadata (e.g., date joined, number of posts) displayed on the profile card.

Author Profile Widget​

Enhance the author profile widget, which appears alongside the comments section, with the following customization options:

  • Background Color: Change the background color of the author profile widget.
  • Text Color: Modify the color of the text displayed within the author profile widget.
  • Text Color: Modify the color of the text displayed within the author profile widget.
  • Border Width: Adjust the width of the border surrounding the author profile widget. Use whole numbers for better browser compatibility.
  • Border Color: Change the color of the border surrounding the author profile widget.
  • Divider Border Style: Select the style of the divider border displayed between the author profile widget and the comments section.
  • Divider Border Height: Adjust the height of the divider border between the author profile widget and the comments section. Use whole numbers for better browser compatibility.
  • Divider Border Color: Customize the color of the divider border between the author profile widget and the comments section.
  • Link Color: Modify the color of the links displayed within the author profile widget.
  • Link Weight: Adjust the font weight of the links within the author profile widget.
  • Link Opacity: Control the opacity of the links within the author profile widget. A value of 0 represents no transparency, while 1 represents full transparency.
  • Link Decoration: Select the decoration style applied to the links within the author profile widget, such as underline or overline.
  • Link Decoration Color: Change the color of the decoration applied to the links within the author profile widget.
  • Link Decoration Thickness: Adjust the thickness of the decoration applied to the links within the author profile widget. Use whole numbers for better browser compatibility.